Your first sounds came from the gospel area. How did this happened and how you decided to get involved with music?
My parents raised me on Elvis Presley who is still my main influence to date His melding of gospel, country & blues (resulting in rock&roll) made such an impact on me at a young age & that’s what I believe brought me to my sound. I got involved with music very young- I began singing in church with my dad at age 3
Who are your favorite artists?
Elvis is my favorite though I love artists like Mahalia Jackson, Patsy cline, John Mayer, Mumford and sons, emeli sande, little big town, Johnny cash…. I love all kinds of music.
What was your experience from the US Χfactor?
The X Factor USA was one of my best experiences… the show offered me an international platform from a music standpoint and brought me into the homes of audiences around the world. More so than that, I was introduced to so many amazing artists from across the country- there was such talent on that show & to try to express that in words wouldn’t do my competitors justice. I am blessed to call many of the singers from that season my friends & we still keep in touch.
Right now you are on a European tour. Were do we found you now and which will be your next concerts?
The European Tour has been such a blast.. I was in the UK for 2.5 weeks to start and then Norway, Sweden, Holland.. currently in Italy for 26 Mar- 30 Mar before heading to Greece! The schedule is on for anyone that would like to come to a show!
You will share the stage with Devon Mayson, how do you feel about that ?
I love Devon Mayson- she has become like a sister to me through this experience. Her talent is limitless, her songwriting is an art, & she is fearless ♥️ and, she’s hysterical.. couldnt have asked for a better companion on this tour.
You have shared the stage with great artists. Would you like to share with us the most important moments?
One of my recent shows at Country2Country Music Festival at O2 Arena (London) was really awesome. The band & I performed prior to Cassadee Pope- what a powerhouse. More so, she was so down to earth and really a pleasure to hang with back stage. She gave me a shout out from the stage during her set which meant a lot.
Do you think country music can have great impact in countries that are not so much in their culture?
Country Music is already having an impact on other countries outside of the southern USA, in my opinion. Contemporary country will be the next big musical movement in Europe I’m sure of it. It comes down to good songwriting for any genre – and Country Music is always about the song.
What are your plans for the near future- after the European tour?
I intend to see my family in the states for Easter holiday, and then get back to writing in Nashville. I’ll be back in the U.K. come July for Ramblin Man Fair and a few other shows as well that I’m really excited for.
What is your massage to the Greek audience that will watch you live on stage?
I hope you love the show & thank you
Costas Tzanidakis