Greg, congratulations on the release of the new Veritas album “Silent Script.” Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the album’s title and what it signifies for the band?
The title was suggested by Denny Anthony so he would probably be to answer best. To me silent script is being written by you every day. It’s your life story and you decide how it unfolds.
How would you describe the musical direction and overall sound of “Silent Script” compared to your previous releases? What elements did you focus on to create a unique listening experience for your fans?
We didn’t change our style but it is a progression in our songwriting since we’re becoming more comfortable with the way each of us writes. Our main focus is to write the best songs we can and not focus on a particular sound or style.
The album artwork for “Silent Script” is visually stunning. Can you share the story behind the design and how it relates to the music and themes explored on the album?
The artwork is by Harley Velasquez. He did an amazing job. The design represents possibilties that are always presenting themselves. You only have to take steps to move yourself forward to enter a new life.
Do you plan to go on with live performances in support of “Silent Script”?
Yes. We are currently looking for/auditioning for a drummer for live shows to support Slient Script and our previous release Threads of Fatality as well.
“Silent Script” seems to have a deep emotional intensity throughout its tracks. Can you talk about some of the central themes the album explores and how they reflect the band’s personal journeys or experiences?
In the words of our vocalist Denny “As a Lyricist, I don’t seek to push any narratives on anyone, so the lyrics to the tunes are as abstract as possible. I like to think of each song as an allegory or parable that provides interpretations tailored to the listener. So, each song is supposed to mean what it means to the listener.”
Were there any challenges or obstacles you faced during the production of “Silent Script,” and how did you overcome them to deliver the final result you envisioned?
The main challenge we face when we record is financial. We have self-financed all 3 of our releases so far. That sometimes slows down the process between releases. The songwriting process is usually very painless and there are no egos. We write is best for the songs.
Did you work with any guest artists or producers on “Silent Script,” and if so, how did their contributions enhance the overall sound of the album?
Mark Zonder has recorded drums on all our releases so far and Daryl Bolicek has been our engineer since the beginning. Daryl is great at ideas to enhance the songs.
Lyrics often play a significant role in heavy metal music. Could you discuss some of the lyrical themes present on “Silent Script” and the messages or emotions you hope to convey to your listeners?
Denny has always said that he writes the lyrics so they are personal to whomever is listening. They mean what you want them to mean.
With the rise of digital music platforms, streaming has become the dominant way people consume music. As a band, how important do you feel it is to release physical copies of your albums like vinyl or CD, and why?
I personally always buy music on cd or vinyl. I just like having something physical and can go through the booklet and learn more about the music and look at the artwork. Digital is more accessible but only part of the experience. Streaming and downloads also don’t really support the artists you love, most of the money goes to the sites. We play music because we love it but if any artist is trying to make a living from music physical media is the best way to help support them along with going to shows.
Veritas has built a strong and loyal fan base over the years. How have your fans responded to the release of “Silent Script,” and what do you think sets this album apart from your previous work in terms of connecting with your audience?
We love our fans, they’ve given us nothing but love and support. They’ve also been extremely patient waiting to get the physical cds. Our label had a setback with new changes to international shipping regulations and the cds were delayed but everyone should have them soon! Silent Script is just a natural progression for the band, so our sound didn’t change drastically but we did take more time to get a better mix and master of this release.
Looking ahead, what exciting plans or projects does Veritas have in store for the future? Are there any upcoming music videos, tours, or collaborations that you can share with your fans to look forward to? Thank you for the interview!
We’re currently working on our next release and auditioning for a live drummer so we can get out and play. We may be shooting an actual video for one of the songs from Silent Script soon. We haven’t decided on which one yet. Thanks for the interview!
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