1) When did do your first musical steps? I’ve been singing since I was a little girl… it has always been therapeutic for me, so I would always…
1) When did do your first musical steps? I’ve been singing since I was a little girl… it has always been therapeutic for me, so I would always…
Chaos Magic ονομάζεται το project της Caterina Nix και του πρώην κιθαρίστα των Stratovarious, Timo Tolkki, το οποίο κυκλοφορεί από τη Frontiers. Επικό rock χωρίς ακρότητες, πλαισιωμένο από τα…
How did you first meet boogie woogie music? I first experienced boogie-woogie music during a Concert Festival in 2001. Before that I had only played classical piano. After…
How did your love for Boogie Woogie and Rock 'n' Roll begun?With Elvis. My neighbor gave me a Double-LP from Elvis Presley, and immediately I was falling in…